What can you do at the survey design stage to reduce the risk of unit nonresponse

What can you do at the survey design stage to reduce the risk of unit nonresponse

53. What can you do at the survey design stage to reduce the risk of unit nonresponse?

57.What is an unbalanced panel? When can unbalancedness be a problem?

60. Provide examples of measurement error problems that are nonclassical.

63. Discuss two examples of parametric statistical model.

64 Discuss the nature of the parameter space for a simple classical linear regression model. How does this parameter space change if you know that your regression line goes through the origin?

65 Suppose that X and Y are jointly normal and you assume that the conditional mean of Y given X is linear in X. How restrictive is your assumption? Discuss.

66 Suppose that X and Y are jointly normal and you assume that the conditional variance of Y given X does not depend on X. How restrictive is your assumption? Discuss.

67 What is a linear probability model? What are the pros and cons of this model?

72 Contrast the classical (frequentist) and the Bayesian approaches to statistical modeling. Illustrate with one example.

73 How do you interpret a prior distribution over the parameter space of a statistical model? Illustrate with one example.