study guide

study guide

Ch. 41: Storage and delivery of Medical GasesReview therapeutic gasesKnow characteristics of O2, NO, He, N2, CO2, airKnow what fractional distillation isPurity level of O2 per FDAPhysical separation of O2 in home care settingComponents of medical air compressorsHospital air compressors capable of maintaining 50 PSI and 100L/minWhy and how is He used as a therapeutic gasTanks: Colors, Tank factors, markings, DOT, formula for duration, testing and material made of, yolk system/PISS, ASSS, DISS, storage of tanks, full PSIHow are gas vs liquid tanks measured for contentsLiquid tank durationBourdon gauge vs Thorpe tubes; how do regulators work, multiple stage/single stage, working pressures…