The focus of the feminist theory

The focus of the feminist theory

Discuss these 5 key points 1 Full Page

1. The focus of the feminist theory is generally on examinations of how gender is perceived, patterns of gendered behaviors, and inequalities associated with gender. The basic goal of feminist theory is to inform and encourage change in social structures that will ultimately empower women

2. Feminism is a liberationist project emerging most recently from the civil rights movement and for American Blacks in the 1950s and 1960s. The women’s liberation movement, or second-wave feminism, was ignited in the mid-1960s as more and more women started to speak about what they were enduring under capitalist patriarchy

3. Feminism shares with other critical theories and practices a challenge to the oppressive conditions that contribute to the individual’s alienation from self, others, and society by unfairly harming some and irrationally privileging others

4. In the 19th century, women were not yet full citizens. The U.S. Constitution enfranchised only one-third of the population: White, landowning men

5. Feminist scholars have demonstrated how inaccurate it is to treat gender as a separate and singular analytic category. Yet in the discipline of family studies, even talking about gender is a taboo subject in many quarters