The Children’s Anxiety Treatment Center

The Children’s Anxiety Treatment Center

Program goal – By using family-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the Children’s Anxiety Treatment Center (CATC) aims to alleviate child participants’ anxious symptoms aged 3-11 years old. Clinically uncomfortable thoughts and emotions may lead to the formation of or maintenance of a mental condition if they are not controlled by patients, clients, or participants in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) (Cooper, 2018). Aiming to alleviate children’s anxiety and improve their overall well-being is the primary purpose of the CATC program.

Evaluation Questions – How much less worried are participants in the CATC program compared to those in a control group after participating?

Evaluation question – As stated by Hogan (2019), in order to make judgments regarding a program’s efficacy and worth (or lack thereof), evaluators must present adequate evidence of quality.

Evidence – Anxious symptoms in the intervention group (those who undergo CBT) must be reduced statistically significantly as compared to the control group in order to indicate the causal influence of the treatment (2017). If these decreases are indeed substantial, they may be examined using statistical approaches, such as assessing effect size.

Data collection – in order to claim statistical and practical significance for an intervention, researchers must rely on the meticulous collection of quantifiable data, which is based on measurable dependent and independent variables of interest (Monsen, 2017)