the American Cancer Society

the American Cancer Society

Cancer which originates in the testicles is called testicular cancer. According the American Cancer Society (2017) risk factors for testicular cancer include undescended testicle, family history of testicular cancer such as having a brother or father with testicular cancer though it should be noted that in most cases there is no family history , HIV infection, carcinoma in situ of the testicle, prior history of testicular cancer, certain race/ethnicity with about 50% occurring between age 20 to 34, and rates higher in Caucasian males, and body size with some studies suggesting that tall men may be at a higher risk.

There are no standard or routine tests that are recommended for early detection of testicular cancer. As most often testicular cancer is found by chance or by self exam or during routine physical examination (National Cancer Institute, 2019), and given the fact the incidents are fairly low and outcomes are favorable even in more advanced stages, the US Preventive Service Task Force (2011) does not recommend routine screening for testicular cancer in asymptomatic males. As screening is not recommended for testicular cancer in asymptomatic individuals I would share this information with him and answer further questions if he still needs more information.

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