student posted

student posted

The following post is another student post to wish i have to reply. Please Make sure to add other information related to what the student posted. APA style 2 references and less than 20 % similarity

1. Is your world view closer to the positivist or the constructivist paradigm? Explore the aspects of the two paradigms that are especially consistent with your world view.

After reading the information provided, I think my world view is closer to the constructivist paradigm. Given that I believe that there are not absolutes and I like to look for trends instead of generalizations, I identify more with the concepts of constructivism.

Being a nurse includes being an evidence based scientist but also needs a humanist side. I believe on the absolute and irrefutable truth when it has been proven that a practice or procedure improves outcomes and prevents complications, in this aspect I would classify myself as a positivist. Also, I believe that there is so much more that hard facts and factors like faith and attitude will affect the outcome of the patient sometimes even defying scientific facts.


Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing Research. Alphen aan de Rijn, Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer.