

All homework pages (except the top sheet) must be stapled (before you come to class).

The first page (‘top sheet’) should contain ONLY your name, student ID, discussion section, and homework number. Use the format shown below. Do NOT staple to the rest of your homework.

The second page (which means a new sheet of paper, so not the back side of the first page) should ALSO contain your name, student ID, discussion section, and homework number. Use the format shown below.

After I collect homeworks I put all of the top sheets into a folder before passing the home- works to the grader. If at any point during the quarter there is a homework that you know you turned in, but it does not show on Canvas, contact me. I will look to see if I have your top sheet from the homework. If I have your top sheet then I will give you credit for the homework.

It is your responsibility to make sure every homework assignment you submit has a top sheet with your correct discussion section number. If you tell me you turned in a homework, but there is no Canvas grade and no top sheet in my folder then you will get a 0.

You will not loose any point for not making a top sheet. But if your homework goes missing you will have no way to prove you turned it in.

On both the first page (‘top sheet’) and second page write your name and student ID on the top left, homework number on the top center, and section on the top right. For example, for homework 1 if your name is John Smith, your student ID is 123456789, and you are in section A01, then the top of your first page should look like this