Squamous cell carcinomaTerm

Squamous cell carcinomaTerm

1. Jacob, a 33-year-old construction worker, complains of a “lump on his back” over his scapula. It has been there for about a year and is getting larger. He says his wife has been able to squeeze out a cheesy-textured substance on occasion. He worries this may be cancer. When gently pinched from the side, a prominent dimple forms in the middle of the mass. What is most likely?

A)  Pityriasis rosea

B)  Tinea versicolor

C)  Psoriasis

D)  Atopic eczema

2. 8-year-old retired farmer comes to your office for evaluation of a skin lesion. On the right temporal area of the forehead, you see a flattened papule the same color as his skin, covered by a dry scale that is round and feels hard. He has several more of these scattered on the forehead, arms, and legs. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis?

A) Actinic keratosis

B Seborrheic keratosis

C Basal cell carcinoma

D Squamous cell carcinomaTerm

3. A new patient is complaining of severe pruritus that is worse at night. Several family members also have the same symptoms. Upon examination, areas of excoriated papules are noted on some of the interdigital webs of both hands and on the axillae. This finding is most consistent with:

A) Contact dermatitis

B) Impetigo

C) Larva migrans

D) Scabies

4. A 58-year-old man comes to your office complaining of bilateral back pain that now awakens him at night. This has been steadily increasing for the past 2 months. Which one of the following is the most reassuring in this patient with back pain?

A) Age over 50

B) Pain at night

C) Pain lasting more than 1 month or not responding to therapy

D) Pain that is bilateral Term

5. A 32-year-old warehouse worker presents for evaluation of low back pain. He notes a sudden onset of pain after lifting a set of boxes that were heavier than usual. He also states that he has numbness and tingling in the left leg. He wants to know if he needs to be off of work. What test should you perform to assess for a herniated disc?

A) Leg-length test

B) Straight-leg raise

C) Tinel’s test

D) Phalen’s testTerm

6. Mrs. Anderson presents with an itchy rash which is raised and appears and disappears in various locations. Each lesion lasts for many minutes. What most likely accounts for this rash?

A) Insect bites

B) Urticaria or hives

C) Psoriasis

D) Purpura

7. A 50-year-old woman presents with “left hip pain” of several weeks duration. There is marked tenderness when you press over her proximal lateral thigh. What do you think she has?

A) Osteoarthritis

B) Rheumatoid arthritis

C) Sciatica

D) Trochanteric bursitis

8. A 28-year-old graduate student comes to your clinic for evaluation of pain “all over.” With further questioning, she is able to relate that the pain is worse in the neck, shoulders, hands, low back, and knees. She denies swelling in her joints. She states that the pain is worse in the morning. There is no limitation in her range of motion. On physical examination, she has several points on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and back that are tender to palpation. Muscle strength and range of motion are normal. Which one of the following is likely the cause of her pain?

A) Rheumatoid arthritis

B) Osteoarthritis

C) Fibromyalgia

D) Polymyalgia rheumatica

9. A mother brings her 11-month-old to you because her mother-in-law and others have told her that her baby is jaundiced. She is eating and growing well and performing the developmental milestones she should for her age. On examination, you indeed notice a yellow tone to her skin from head to toe. Her sclerae are white. To which area should your next questions be related?

A) Diet

B) Family history of liver diseases

C) Family history of blood diseases

D) Ethnicity of the child

10. You are beginning the examination of the skin on a 25-year-old teacher. You have previously elicited that she came to the office for evaluation of fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. You strongly suspect that she has hypothyroidism. What is the expected moisture and texture of the skin of a patient with hypothyroidism?

A) Moist and smooth

B) Moist and rough

C) Dry and smooth

D) Dry and rough

11. You are assessing a patient with joint pain and are trying to decide whether it is inflammatory or noninflammatory in nature. Which one of the following symptoms is consistent with an inflammatory process?


B)Cool temperature



12. You are assessing a patient with diffuse joint pains and want to make sure that only the joints are the problem, and that the pain is not related to other diseases.Which of the following is a systemic cause of joint pain?

A) Gout

B) Osteoarthritis

C) Lupus

D) Spondylosis

13. A 19-year-old college sophomore comes to the clinic for evaluation of joint pains. The student has been back from spring break for 2 weeks; during her holiday, she went camping. She notes that she had a red spot, shaped like a target, but then it started spreading, and then the joint pains started. She used insect repellant but was in an area known to have ticks. She has never been sick and takes no medications routinely; she has never been sexually active. What is the most likely cause of her joint pain?

A) Trauma

B) Gonococcal arthritis

C) Psoriatic arthritis

D) Lyme disease

14. An 85-year-old retired housewife comes with her daughter to establish care. Her daughter is concerned because her mother has started to fall more. As part of her physical examination, you ask her to walk across the examination room. Which of the following is not part of the stance phase of gait?

A) Foot arched

B) Heel strike

C) Mid-stance

D) Push-off

15. A 32-year-old warehouse worker presents for evaluation of low back pain. He notes a sudden onset of pain after lifting a set of boxes that were heavier than usual. He also states that he has numbness and tingling in the left leg. He wants to know if he needs to be off of work. What test should you perform to assess for a herniated disc?

A) Leg-length test

B) Straight-leg raise

C) Tinel’s test

D) Phalen’s test

16. A 33-year-old construction worker comes for evaluation and treatment of acute onset of low back pain. He notes that the pain is an aching located in the lumbosacral area. It has been present intermittently for several years; there is no known trauma or injury. He points to the left lower back. The pain does not radiate and there is no numbness or tingling in the legs or incontinence.He was moving furniture for a friend over the weekend. On physical examination, you note muscle spasm, with normal deep tendon reflexes and muscle strength.What is the most likely cause of this patient’s low back pain?

A) Herniated disc

B) Compression fracture

C) Mechanical low back pain

D) Ankylosing spondylitis

17. A 50-year-old realtor comes to your office for evaluation of neck pain. She was in a motor vehicle collision 2 days ago and was assessed by the emergency medical technicians on site, but she didn’t think that she needed to go to the emergency room at that time. Now, she has severe pain and stiffness in her neck. On physical examination, you note pain and spasm over the paraspinous muscles on the left side of the neck, and pain when you make the patient do active range of motion of the cervical spine. What is the most likely cause of this neck pain?