“Reengineering is a radical

“Reengineering is a radical

1-According to Huber, “Reengineering is a radical redesign of business processes.” (Huber 242) The nurse manager plays a big role in health care in general, as the nurse manager allocates available resources, coordinate activities, facilitate interactive management, and have major responsibility for implementing the vision, mission, philosophy, goals, plans, and standards of the organization and nursing services. (Huber 34)

Now that we defined these two items, how do they co-relate? Well, nurse managers are on the front lines with the staff serving in front line roles. These nurse managers have a hand both on what goes on in the day-to-day and are a link to administration. Nurse managers are coordinating what happens on the front lines with patients and with administration to make things run as smooth as possible. These are the people who are a voice in administration for direct care providers.

Teamwork designs have become popular in healthcare organizations. Because middle managers oversee these team initiatives, their potential to influence innovation implementation has grown. Future research should investigate middle managers’ role in healthcare innovation implementation. Findings may aid top managers in leveraging middle managers’ influence to improve the effectiveness of healthcare innovation implementation. (Birken)


Birken, S. A., Lee, S. D., & Weiner, B. J. (2012). Uncovering middle managers role in healthcare innovation implementation. Implementation Science,7(1). doi:10.1186/1748-5908-7-28

Huber, Diane. Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th Edition. Saunders, 10/2013. VitalBook file.