Patients/Problem, intervention

Patients/Problem, intervention

PICOT is Patients/Problem, intervention, Comparison, Outcome and Time (Helbig, 2018). These are the source of proving evidenced based practice (EBP) problems focusing on nursing solutions. A nursing practice problem will dedicate its attention on the aftermath of the holistic care of the patient while managing the disease. The nursing practice will focus on developing care plans on helping the patient manage the disease for example diabetes. While a patient is undergoing the management phase, the nurse will assist in meal plans as well as making sure the patient has access to meals that are appropriate for their health and if not making sure the patient is given resources. Medical practice problems are related toward the actual care of the patient on managing their disease medically by checking their labs, right medications, understanding of the disease and goal of managing the disease. By allowing PICOT to be used to prove evidenced based practice will allow nurses to gain the correct information to apply to their nursing care for patients. This is a very important practice that nurses should always challenge and use PICOT to support their EBP.

Helbig, J. (2018). History and process of nursing research, evidence-based nursing practice, and quantitative and qualitative research process. In Nursing research: Understanding methods for best practice. Retrieved from: