pain regimen using oral narcotics?

pain regimen using oral narcotics?

Week 2 paperwork

Hypothesis: Are patients with chronic back pain who are denied narcotic pain medications at increased risk of depression as compared to patients on a prescribed pain regimen using oral narcotics?

Tolerance and physical dependence can happen after chronic exposure to many drugs, including opiates. A therapeutically appropriate use of opiates for the treatment of chronic pain has been hindered to date by the incorrect belief that their use will inevitably lead to the psychic dependence. The actual prevailing hypothesis suggests that the therapeutic use of opiates does not affect the conditioning environmental stimuli, which are so important in determining the positive reinforcement that leads to the compulsive use. The condition in which the drug is taken, and especially the underlying painful disease, do not provide the substrate and the context in which the patient seeks for the drug; clinical findings in the field of pain confirm that the phenomenon of abuse is observed very rarely.

Inadequate pain management is very common in patients, due to common prejudices, religion or fears. If therapy fail, and surgery is not an option due to the high risk or patient age, using medication to manage pain in a responsible way for my point of view is an option to minimize pain and achieved the best quality of life possible. Chronic pain can disrupt sleep and cause patient to wake up at night. This can make them tired during and not productive during the day. The ongoing pain can cause additional irritation and make it difficult for to deal with others. The impact of chronic pain on a person’s life also contributes to depression. It can force them to struggle with tremendous losses, such as a lack of exercise, social network, relationships, sexual relationships, even a job and income. These losses can contribute to depression in people who are vulnerable to clinical depression. It then magnifies the pain and reduces their ability to live with it. It becomes seemingly impossible to stay active to reduce stress and have a normal life.

Goldberg, J. (2018, October 16). Depression and Chronic Pain: Causes and Treatments. Retrieved from

Schmidt, N., Brown, J. M. Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

What I need to answer.

Can you apply a nursing theory to support your assumptions?