original creator of the concept of transcultural nursing

original creator of the concept of transcultural nursing

positive attitude towards a healthcare system and promotes quick recovery.

Leininger developed the Sunrise model and coined the eight factors that guide on the transcultural care. She holds that for nurses to provide appropriate, comprehensive and appropriate care, nurses need to expand their worldview and incorporate new dimensions including social structures, language, environmental contexts, generic care and other areas (Andres & Bolye, 2016). The sunrise model is the theoretical framework that guides the creation of other transcultural nursing theories.

Leininger proposed three modes of guiding nursing care judgments, actions and decision that are beneficial and meaningful. These include preservation and maintenance, accommodation and negotiation and repatterning and restructuring. These three modes of care have significantly impacted how nurses provide congruent nursing care and fostered the creation of nurses that are culturally competent. In summary, Leininger can be considered the original creator of the concept of transcultural nursing (Andres & Bolye, 2016). She developed the processes that are vital in the provision of competent nursing care.

Question 4

Andrew/Boyle’s Transcultural Interprofessional Practice (TIP) model is one of the most important nursing tools that can be applied in teaching, learning, consultation, research and practice by nurses in transcultural environments (Andrews & Boyle, 2019). There are key components of the Transcultural Interprofessional Practice (TIP) model. The model aims at providing patient centered care, based on logical and orderly decision making for safe culturally competent and congruent, evidence based affordable and quality for individuals from a variety of backgrounds and across different lifespans.

The first one is the context from which the health related values, practices, believes and attitudes emerge. The context may be based on religion, ethnicity, geographical location or other factors in the environment of the client or patient (Andrews & Boyle, 2019). Under this component, the nurse is expected to transform their thinking to suit the religious, ethnical and cultural believes, attitudes and practices of their patient so that they offer appropriate healthcare services.

The second component of the TIP model is the interprofessional healthcare team. Interprofessional collaboration is necessary in the provision of transcultural patient centered care. Based on this component, a healthcare team composed of a cadre of health professionals that include nurses, physicians, laboratory technicians, pharmacists, nutritionists, social workers and other workers should collaborate in providing quality and patient centered care to patients (Andrews & Boyle, 2019).  A healthcare team comprised of people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose and performing goals aimed at the welfare of a patient or a group of patient is advocated by Andrew and Boyle.

The third component of the TIP model is effective verbal and non-verbal communication among members of a team. In an interprofessional team, effective communication is necessary for the promotional of continuity and clarity in the patient care team. Poor communication creates room for medical errors (Andrews & Boyle, 2019). With clarity of orders, proper interpretation of information, and timely communication, quality and safety of patient care is assured.

The fourth component is a scientific problem solving process of five systematic steps, scientific problem solving, mutual goal setting, implementation, evaluation and planning to ensure the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and care. This component encourage the use of evidence based care. It requires that nurses and other healthcare personnel learn how to use evidence from research to provide the best possible care for their clients.
