Need help with 40 introduction to statistics problems

Need help with 40 introduction to statistics problems

Here is some of the topics that you the problems will be under.

if probabilities as values between 0 and 1 that indicate the likelihood of


Calculate the probability of a simple event using the relative frequency


Define the complement of an event and calculate the probability of that


Compute the probability of “at least one” occurrence of an event A.

Compute the probability of some event, given that some other event has

already occurred.

Determine when a potential probability distribution actually satisfies the

necessary requirements.

Determine whether given distributions are binomial distributions.

Find probability values for a binomial distribution.

Find probability values for a binomial distribution.

Find the probability of some range of z values in a standard normal


Find the probability of some range of z values in a standard normal


Find the probability of some range of values in a normal distribution.

Find x scores corresponding to regions under the curve representing a normal


Find the probability of some range of values in a normal distribution.

Solve applications involving probabilities and corresponding x scores for a

normal distribution.

Determine whether a statistic serves as a good estimator of the corresponding

population parameter.

Use the central limit theorem to find the probability that a sample mean falls

in a range of values.

Use the central limit theorem to find the probability that a sample mean falls

in a range of values.