History and Process of Nursing Research,

History and Process of Nursing Research,

The difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem is the focus of the patient is not the same. A nursing practice problem, the focus is on the patient as a whole such as caring for the patient’s physical health and emotional health. The nursing practice problem centers on the many ways to improve the all-inclusive care as well as the patient’s outcome (Helbig, 2018). A medical practice problem focuses on treating a medical condition, disease or injury by using medication or surgical procedures. For example, I work in obstetrics, the doctor’s goal is to deliver the baby either vaginally or by cesarean section and then prescribe medication for pain or other treatments for maintaining comfort. The goal of the nursing practice is to prevent complications after the birth, pain management, provide emotional support, education and collaborate with other health care team members such as lactation consultants or social workers. Most nursing interventions use Evidence-Based Practice which help nurses to provide improved quality of care for patients (Helbig, 2018). It is important to ensure the PICOT question is based on a nursing practice problem because it helps the nurse to identify a problem regarding a patient which requires attention. By following the PICOT outline, P-patients/problem, I-intervention, C-comparison, O-outcome and T-time, the nurse can develop a plan of care, interventions and make sure they are evidence-based.


Helbig, J. (2018). History and Process of Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Process. In Nursing Research:Understanding Methods for Best Practice. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs433v/nursing-research-understanding-methods-for-best-practice/v1.1/#/home