Higuchi, and Hogg, 2016

Higuchi, and Hogg, 2016

Stakeholders help ensure the success of a change project. They can be an individual or group that is interested in or affected by the change. When stakeholders are involved in the change, they raise awareness in the community, and provide valuable insight (ORourke, Higuchi, and Hogg, 2016). Working with stakeholders from the beginning of the project allows for their input and expertise on what the goals should be. When stakeholders are engaged, change is easier, and the plan is often better developed (Ginex, 2018).

The proposed change project will require several stakeholders. Internal stakeholders for postpartum hemorrhage bundle will include: administration, department manager, doctors, nurses, midwives, lab, surgery, house supervisor, and anesthesia. The external stakeholders will include administration at the corporate level of SCL-Health, the quality department, and possibly the legal team.

For us to successfully overhaul how we provide care to postpartum patients, we will need the support from all the stakeholders. OR and anesthesia are important stakeholders, because they can identify possible problems with staffing, and OR space during hemorrhage management. Providers, both MD and midwives, are important because they will need to agree on the best first-line medications and cutoffs for implementing the protocol. They must be prepared to be called back to the bedside more often if there is a concern about blood loss and change their practice from estimated blood loss, to quantified blood loss. The lab is also an important stakeholder; we are a small hospital, so they can help assess what blood products are available at any given time and how long it takes to prepare each blood product. The house supervisor is also important because they coordinate the departments and serve as an extra set of hands. We will need the support of external stakeholders, such as the administration team from SCL-Health to ensure we have both the financial and physical resources needed to implement the change. We also must ensure that we are meeting the requirements for quality and patient safety.

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