health-illness continuum

health-illness continuum

A discussion on the importance of the health-illness continuum is not presented.

A partial summary on the importance of the health-illness continuum is presented. The summary does not fully include the relation of the continuum to health and the human experience in patient care. There are significant inaccuracies. More evidence or information is needed.

A general discussion on the importance of the health-illness in relation to health and the human experience in patient care is presented. The discussion generally establishes that the health-illness continuum is important to patient care. There are some inaccuracies. More information or rationale is needed.

A discussion on the importance of the health-illness in relation to health and the human experience in patient care is presented. The discussion demonstrates that the health-illness continuum is important to patient care. Some rationale is needed for clarity.

A discussion on the importance of the health-illness continuum in relation to health and the human experience in patient care is presented. The discussion demonstrates that the health-illness continuum is important to patient care. Strong rationale is offered for support.

30.0 %Refection on Personal State of Health and the Health Illness Continuum

Reflection on personal overall state of health is omitted.

A partial summary of personal overall state of health is included. The summary is not informative. Behaviors supporting or detracting from health and well-being are omitted or incomplete.

A general discussion of personal overall state of health is included. Overall the discussion demonstrates some insight into some behaviors supporting or detracting from health and well-being. The author does not clearly establish where personal health falls on the health-illness continuum.

A discussion of personal state of health is included. The discussion demonstrates personal insight into overall behaviors supporting or detracting from health and well-being. The author establishes where personal health falls on the health-illness continuum.

A well-developed discussion of personal state of health is included. The discussion demonstrates strong personal insight into behaviors supporting or detracting from health and well-being. The author clearly establishes where personal health falls on the health-illness continuum.

20.0 %Resources Supporting Wellness

Options and resources available to help the author move toward wellness on the health-illness continuum are omitted.

Partial options and resources available that would help the author move toward wellness on the health-illness continuum are presented. It is unclear how this will assist in moving the author toward wellness.

General options and resources available that would help the author move toward wellness on the health-illness continuum are presented. More information is needed to establish how this will assist in moving the author toward wellness.

Options and resources available that would reasonably help the author move toward wellness on the health-illness continuum are presented. The author establishes how these resources will assist in moving toward wellness.

Options and resources available that would be extremely helpful to help the author move toward wellness on the health-illness continuum are presented. The author clearly establishes how these will assist in moving toward wellness. Insight into welln