Graphing and 400 words APA (IBM SPSS Knowledge Center)

Graphing and 400 words APA (IBM SPSS Knowledge Center)

Answer the following questions with at least 400 words and 2 scholarly resources.

  1. Complete exercises 3.4 and 3.5 in Chapter 3.
  2. Create an equation for a line that accurately depicts the relationship between the predictors and outcome in one lesson outlined in the Bible.
  3. Discuss the implications of this from experimental and life application perspectives.

3.4 Graphing lines Plot the following lines

(a) y=3+2x

(b) y=1+x

(c) y = -2+x

(d) y=5x

y =4 -2x

3.5 finding βo and β1. Give the slope and y-intercept for each of the lines defined in exercise 3.4

I attached an sample already submitted student homework. I do not know if the math portion is correct so please graph

Liberty university

Book – A second course in Statistics Regression Analysis

Program – IBM SPSS Knowledge Center