General Psychology unit 5, health and medicine homework help

General Psychology unit 5, health and medicine homework help

professional goal : medical assistant

As you consider your own professional goals, write a reflection describing how your motivation, emotion, learning, and personality affect how you will reach these goals.

Your write-up should be at least 1 -2 pages in length and follow APA formatting rules.

For a well-developed reflection:

  • Begin by summarizing and reflecting on some concepts that were of particular interest to you from this course in the areas of motivation, emotion, learning and personality.
  • Connect your professional goals with specific concepts or theories from Psychology that will benefit you as a professional.
    • Incorporate what you have learned about motivation, emotion, learning, and personality that can help you reach your goals.
  • Before concluding, discuss any other concepts that were of particular use for you in preparation for your career. This can include ways this course could benefit you on a personal level in the future.
  • Be sure to end with a final thought and bring your reflection to a logical close.