Final project about survival analysis in statistics(NEEDS r programming)

Final project about survival analysis in statistics(NEEDS r programming)

No worry about me getting a confidential agreement on SEER data. I already got one. Just mainly focus on the description that I attached below. For this project, I care more about completeness than perfection.

The project is about how much you know about survival analysis. And all details are in the order instruction file. And I also attached our textbook for you to understand the corresponding material says in the instruction. For obtaining the data, you will need to sign a confirmation. And feel free to take any data that attracts the most. Here is a little tip for dealing with huge data like this, you can import that into SAS. And making subset on SAS. Probably you have a better solution, just feel free to use whatever it works. The primary language for this project is still R language. Please see the instruction carefully. Thank you so much!!!