fight against Opioid Abuse

fight against Opioid Abuse

I am responding to 2 of my classmate 200 words each

1)My topic of choice for my Signature Assignment, will be “Technology and the fight against Opioid Abuse”. With the many advances the we have seen in technology and informatics, there should be more technology in place to help prevent the patients from “doctor hopping” or using multiple pharmacies to obtain prescription drugs for abuse. The FDA has currently implemented some guidelines to assist with this ongoing issue. However, there needs to be more guidelines in place with the use of modern technology, that can track these patients and the abusing activity.

Prescription drug abusers are getting smarter and smarter. They are aware of the current systems and technology and are finding ways to manipulate the process to obtain the drugs they want to abuse. As healthcare providers, it is our responsibility to identify and track this type of activity, so we are not aiding these people in this growing opioid abuse crisis that we are facing in the healthcare industry. Doctors and practitioners are now mandated by the FDA to follow certain guidelines when prescribing prescription drugs. Not only is there a need to track the patient, but the prescribing practice of the physician or practitioner should be tracked as well, to ensure that they are not negligently prescribing these commonly abused drugs.


In the LTAC hospital, the current charting system is called EPIC and I am not sure what server it uses. EPIC is computer charting and in my opinion is very tedious. At times it seems charting takes for ever because of all the input that’s required. With the patient population majority being very critical patients, I can definitely understand why charting has to be so detailed. Whatever the computer system, I am grateful to pass off the old pen and paper. The same thing can be said about the patient with many clicks and you can certainly always type a nurses note to further explain your care for the patient.

There is a current trend in nursing that says nurses are paying more attention to the computer than the patient. “It is important to dispel the idea that computers are taking nurses away from the bedside. Technology supports all aspects of nursing practice, which include direct care, administration, education, and research”(Hebda, Hunter, Czar, 2019 p. 11). As nurses, we must always see the patient as our first priority.

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