Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

  1. OPEN ENDED Give an example of a value of b for which y = bx represents exponential decay.
  2. Writing in Math Use the information about Women’s basketball on page 498 to explain how an exponential function can be used to describe the teams in a tournament. Include an explanation of how you could use the equation y = 2xto determine the number of rounds of tournament play for 128 teams and an example of an inappropriate number of teams for a tournament.
  3. Writing in Math Use the information about sound on page 529 to explain how a logarithmic scale can be used to measure sound. Include the relative intensities of a pin drop, a whisper, normal conversation, kitchen noise, and a jet engine written in scientific notation. Also include a plot of each of these relative intensities on the scale below and an explanation as to why the logarithmic scale might be preferred over the scale below.