Eliza Treatment Plan case Study

Eliza Treatment Plan case Study


Treatment Plan Template

Based on the information collected in week 4, complete the following treatment plan for your client Eliza. Be sure to include a description of the problem, goals, objectives, and interventions. Remember to incorporate the client’s strengths and support system in the treatment plan.

When completing a treatment plan with a client, be sure to include a diagnosis from the DSM V. This would include the diagnosis, specifiers, and code from the DSM. The ICD Code should also be included.

Include a minimum of two overall goals, at least two objectives for each goal, and at least one intervention for each objective. If you have more than two overall goals, simply copy and paste the chart below.





17th December 2021


18 years


January 15th, 2003



ICD-10 Diagnosis (Code)

Adjustment Disorder (309.28)

Alcohol Use Disorder (305.00)

DSM Diagnosis (Code and Description)





Description of the Problem:

The patient is experiencing anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem due to her adjustment disorder.

Goal # 1: Reducing the patient’s anxiety symptoms.
Objective(s): Intervention(s): Frequency: Target Date:
1. Stabilizing patient’s mood. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Skills Training

Referral to Psychotropic Medication and consultation

☐ Weekly ☐ Bi-Weekly

☐ Monthly ☐ Other: _________________


☐ Group ☐ Individual

☐ Family

14th January 2022
2. Increasing patient’s skills of coping with anxiety. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Relaxation Techniques Training

Skills Training


☐ Weekly ☐ Bi-Weekly

☐ Monthly ☐ Other: ___________________


☐ Group ☐ Individual

☐ Family

14th January 2022



Description of the Problem: The patient has Alcohol Use Disorder which needs to be addressed because she is in a campus that does not allow alcohol.
Goal # 2: Ensuring that the patient abstains from alcohol and any other drugs.
Objective(s): Intervention(s): Frequency: Target Date:
1. Ensuring the patient attends therapy for alcoholism support and prevention. Substance Use Assessment

Attending Meetings

Obtaining sponsor

☐ Weekly ☐ Bi-Weekly

☐ Monthly ☐ Other: ____________________


☐ Group ☐ Individual

☐ Family

14th January 2022
2. Eliminating and decreasing self-harm behaviors Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Skills Training

Attending Group Therapy

☐ Weekly ☐ Bi-Weekly

☐ Monthly ☐ Other: ____________________


☐ Group ☐ Individual

☐ Family

14th January 2022










Poulsen, R., Fisker, J., Hoff, A., Hjorthøj, C., & Eplov, L. F. (2017). Integrated mental health care and vocational rehabilitation to improve return to work rates for people on sick leave because of exhaustion disorder, adjustment disorder, and distress (the Danish IBBIS trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials18(1), 1-15.

Campbell, E. J., Lawrence, A. J., & Perry, C. J. (2018). New steps for treating alcohol use disorder. Psychopharmacology235(6), 1759-1773.

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