Dorothy Troutman

Dorothy Troutman

Profile Picture Dorothy Troutman 2 posts Re: Topic 9 DQ 2 Staff turnover is always a concern. New nurses will not understand the importance of evidence-based care. If existing staff is unable to clearly explain the new way of caring for hemorrhage patients, they may instead teach the “old” way. If staff has worked in other labor and delivery units, they may be used to how their old facility cared for postpartum hemorrhage patients, and resort to how they have always done things. Postpartum hemorrhage only happens in about 2% of births. Though nurses may have a strong desire to continue to provide evidence-based care, they may forget some of the information they learned during the implementation phase. One way to overcome both concerns is to hold simulation trainings several times per year, and to re-educate as necessary. Additionally, including the training during new hire orientation will help new staff learn about the importance of evidence-based care for postpartum hemorrhage. Clark and Marks-Maran (2014) discuss the importance of leadership engagement in sustainability. Additionally, they point out that sometimes change is not retained because too many changes occur at once, or additional changes are made before the new way of doing things becomes part of the routine. Reference Clarke, U., & Marks-Maran, D. (2014). Nurse leadership in sustaining programmes of change. British Journal of Nursing, 23(4), 219–224. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.