

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style10.0 to >9.0 ptsAdvancedAssignment correctly follows APA formatting, including a title page, abstract, header, page numbers, and reference page. Sources are cited correctly in the document.9.0 to >8.0 ptsProficientAssignment is mostly correctly formatted and/or sources are cited, but there are a few errors in the format.8.0 to >7.0 ptsDevelopingAssignment exhibits many errors in APA formatting and/or sources are cited, but there are several errors in the format.7.0 to >0.0 ptsPoorAPA formatting is attempted, but several elements are missing or incorrect, an/or some of the sources are not cited and/or the format is incorrect.0.0 ptsNot PresentSources are not cited at all/format is not correct and/or APA is not attempted.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar10.0 to >5.0 ptsAdvancedSpelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures.5.0 to >3.0 ptsProficientThere are some spelling and grammar errors. Some sentence level errors are present as well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures.3.0 to >2.0 ptsDevelopingSpelling and grammar errors distract from meaning. Paragraphs are poorly formed.2.0 to >0.0 ptsPoorMultiple spelling and grammar errors. Sentences are incomplete or unclear.0.0 ptsNot Present10.0 pts