d. dedication of the child to a family group.

d. dedication of the child to a family group.

d. removing the evil causing the illness.

50. Among alternative treatment modalities utilized during an illness may be the

a. consultation of a healer outside the medical establishment.

b. strict adherence to the prescribed medical regimen.

c. willingness to seek a second medical opinion.

d. refusal to allow any medical treatment to be performed.

51. A potential explanation for healers being used in addition to or instead of traditional medical personnel is their

a. unique language that is characteristic of their calling.

b. exclusive dialogue with the person who is ill.

c. formal relationship with the client.

d. willingness to be available at any time.

52. An illness of the spirit is treated through repentance and is considered

a. physical healing.

b. spiritual healing.

c. inner healing.

d. deliverance.

53. The six-week postpartum check that women have after having a baby closely matches the crucial ________ day practice of ancient times.

a. seventh

b. fortieth

c. third

d. tenth

54. Baptism dates for children have significance within various religions. Water is the common element in baptism as water signifies

a. protecting the child from illness.

b. cleansing the child either from evil or other maladies.

c. the relation of the child to God.

d. dedication of the child to a family group.

55. Wearing white clothes in the Buddhist tradition indicates

a. mourning the death of a relative.

b. recognition of a religious holiday.

c. joy for the birth of an infant.

d. celebration for a marriage.

56. The decline in the use of patent medicine utilization in the United States began with

a. the passage of the Food and Drug Act.

b. increased popularity of over-the-counter medicines.

c. the rise in alternative health care practitioners.

d. Medicare reimbursement for prescription medications.

57. An important health protection practice among Black American Baptists is

a. drinking blackstrap molasses.

b. eating fresh lemons.

c. wearing camphor around the neck in the winter.

d. taking a daily shot of whiskey.

58. Chicken soup is considered a universal HEALTH restoration intervention in which tradition?

a. French

b. Pacific Islander

c. Eastern European Jewish

d. Italian

59. As a HEALTH maintenance practice, the use of cod liver oil is advocated by those of the

a. German Catholic tradition.

b. Italian Catholic tradition.

c. Iranian (U.S.) Islamic tradition.

d. English Episcopal tradition.

60. A HEALTH protection practice among Irish-American Catholics is drinking

a. senna tea.

b. yeast.

c. hot peppermint tea.

d. wine daily.

61. Fr. John’s medicine is suggested as a HEALTH protection practice from November to May for

a. English American Episcopalians.

b. Canadian Catholics.

c. Native American Baptists.

d. Italian American Catholics.

62. Among the HEALTH restoration practices for menstrual cramps for Irish American Catholics is

a. applying Vicks on the abdomen.

b. drinking cod liver oil in orange juice.

c. applying warm oil to the stomach.

d. drinking hot milk sprinkled with ginger.

63. Activities for HEALTH maintenance for Swedish-American Protestants include

a. walking distances on a regular basis.

b. dressing appropriately for the weather.

c. going to a physician twice a year whether needed or not.

d. starting each day with prayer.

64. While dressing properly for season and weather is an important HEALTH protection practice for Iranian-American Moslems, it is also important to

a. keep onions under the bed to keep nasal passages clear.

b. eat sorghum molasses.

c. keep feet from getting wet in the rain.

d. prevent evil spirits by not looking at a mirror at night.

65. A constant for any culture is the

a. ability for it to change quickly to adjust to new challenges.

b. requirement that all members of the culture act the same.

c. socialization into its traditions, language and practices.

d. necessity for its members to be homogenous in all their decisions.

66. Socialization into the health care culture includes an assumption that

a. effective treatment can only be done by educated and licensed professionals.

b. the more technological the intervention, the greater bene? t it yields.

c. interventions for health events must follow a prescribed protocol.

d. alternative complementary treatments have validity.

67. Contemporary per capita U.S. health care expenditures are expected to

a. increase as part of the overall gross domestic product.

b. decrease as health care becomes available for all citizens.

c. match those of other Western countries.

d. have the United States achieve the highest health status in the world.

68. Specified government efforts for health insurance have resulted in

a. decreasing the amount that Medicare covers for prescription medications.

b. decreasing the percentage of uninsured children under age 18.

c. increasing coverage for prenatal and well-baby care.

d. increasing the percentage of uninsured children under age 18.

69. Technology and scientific advances in health care have resulted in more conditions being treated than in previous decades. The most expensive costs for care are for which conditions?

a. Cardiac disease

b. Conditions resulting in transplantation

c. Diabetes care

d. Pulmonary disease

70. In the early part of the twentieth century, health care efforts focused on controlling infectious diseases and improving

a. maternal and child health.

b. the requirements of the medical profession.

c. chronic diseases.

d. health care costs.

71. The United State relies heavily on guest worker/migrant labor for its agriculture industry. Health care can be offered for this population but faces a potential barrier of

a. language.

b. access.

c. racism.

d. homelessness.

72. What differentiates CULTURALCARE from modern medical care in philosophy is that

a. sufficient money, technology and science are used to cure or remedy.

b. premature death must be avoided.

c. holistic care is predicated on cultural health traditions and needs.

d. disease and injury are avoided through health promotion and maintenance.

73. HEALTH for American Indians has a basis in the

a. curing of those conditions that affect the spirit.

b. respecting of others’ beliefs in healing traditions.

c. harmony between nature and the ability to survive.

d. optimism that life creates positive forces.

74. Evil spirits are associated with illness by the

a. Sioux.

b. Cherokee.

c. Passamaquoddy.

d. Hopi.

75. In determining the cause for illness, medicine men and women look for the

a. dietary practices of the person being seen.

b. past medical history as a determinant.

c. spiritual cause of the problem of the person seen.

d. physical symptoms displayed.

76. Use of sand paintings as diagnosis in the Navajo tradition helps to

a. provide an atmosphere of calming for the medicine man.

b. determine cause and treatment of the illness.

c. ensure that appropriate payment is made by the family.

d. create symbolic representations of the client and family.

77. A sequela related to alcohol abuse in American Indians is the rise in

a. malnourishment among children.

b. breast cancer rates.

c. domestic violence against women.

d. unintentional injuries.

78. The provision of health services through the Indian Health Service means

a. having one master health guideline blueprint for consistency of care.

b. partnering and assisting tribes in planning the best delivery of care.

c. allotting health resources based on population numbers.

d. following prescribed federal guidelines and procedures.

79. Comparing household income levels of $150,000 or more within the Asian subpopulations, the population that has the higher income level is

a. Chinese.

b. Filipino.

c. Indian.

d. Indonesian.

80. The initial impetus for Asian immigration to the United States, specifically with the Chinese population, resulted from the

a. favorable immigration status for the Chinese.

b. high unemployment rates in China.

c. need for cheap labor building railroads in the nineteenth century.

d. demand for menial service jobs.

81. A second-class physician in Chinese medicine:

a. pays the patient’s family if the patient dies.

b. has to wait for patients to become ill before treating them.

c. consults Taoist writings for diagnosis and prescription.

d. receives payment only if the patient is cured.

82. The health and disease beliefs in Ayurveda teach that

a. humans are distinct beings within the universe.

b. disease arises when a person is out of harmony with the univ