Consider Validity in Research

Consider Validity in Research

Failure to Consider Validity in Research

Failing to properly account for and control variables threatens the validity of the results yielded from the research. The rigor of the research design may be the most important factor in strengthening or weakening validity, as evidenced by the hierarchy of research studies in the evidentiary pyramid. Other elements such as biased statistical analysis, unreliable implementation of an intervention, carryover bias, and the Hawthorne Effect are just a few variables that can threaten the validity of a research study (Polit & Beck, 2017). Since research guides evidence-based practice, failure to ensure the validity of results directly affects patient outcomes; unfortunately, the effects of poorly executed research impacts all research. People are inherently inclined to remember negative consequences over positive outcomes. Improper research regarding vaccines has created an anti-vaccination movement that is highly problematic. Big tobacco companies produced improper research that may have resulted in people continuing to smoke longer than they otherwise would have. The failure to appropriately consider validity in research is a grave mistake that should be avoided at all costs.


Andrade, C. (2018). Internal, external, and ecological validity in research design, conduct, and evaluation. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine,40(5), 498. doi:10.4103/ijpsym.ijpsym_334_18

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Yuan, S., Chou, M., Hwu, L., Chang, Y., Hsu, W., & Kuo, H. (2009). An intervention program to promote health-related physical fitness in nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing,18(10), 1404-1411. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02699.x