

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Planning and Topic

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:

1. Bioterrorism/Disaster

2. Environmental Issues

3. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

4. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Planning Before Teaching:

Name and Credentials of Teacher:

Estimated Time Teaching Will Last:

30-45 minutes

Location of Teaching:

Local school/day care

Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed:

Laptop for power point presentation

Estimated Cost:


Community and Target Aggregate:

School children, specifically parents and guardians.

5. Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection):

The topic selection for community teaching plan is about primary prevention. Primary prevention helps in minimizing the chances of disease occurring before its manifestation.

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic):

The increased reports about different diseases result due to a lack of primary prevention. Many approaches can be used to prevent the occurrence of different conditions. If people can learn how to take care of themselves and avoid getting certain diseases, it means certain cases would reduce in the hospital. For instance, prevention against malaria.

Teaching Plan Criteria

The focus of the teaching plan will be on the parents and guardians. This group of people usually have families to take care of and children. Therefore, when taking preventive measures, they must consider others. For instance, while teaching about malaria prevention measures, the program will teach the parents and guardians why it is necessary for sleeping under treated mosquito nets. Other preventive measures that can be applied include taking care of the environment by avoiding dumping and cutting down bushes around the house region.

Nursing Diagnosis:

The nursing diagnosis of malaria will include impaired circulation, which can lead to anemia due to the destruction of the Red Blood Cells.

Hyperthermia due to increased metabolism and dehydration, which are direct effects of the parasites.

Reduced fluid volume due to excessive sweating.

Poor nutrition fewer nutrients than the body needs

Deficit knowledge about the disease, the patients knows little about the disease.

Readiness for Learning:

Factors affecting patients’ readiness to learn include attitude about the disease, ask the necessary queries, open body language, contributes to communication, and shows understanding.

Learning Theory to Be Utilized:

I will apply the Teach-Back theory, which involves asking the learner to explain the concepts as taught. By doing so, I will manage to gauge the patient’s understanding and explain further in areas that may need more clarity.


The Healthy people 2020 (HP2020) goal I have selected is to reduce the primary diseases such as malaria amongst the family members, especially children, with the help of the parents and guardians.

How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives?

Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives for increasing the public’s health and increasing US national security through both local and global disease detection, prevention, and management.

Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:

Behavioral Objective and Domain



1. Parents and guardians explain ways children are exposed to malaria

1. Sleeping with no mosquito nets

Poor hygiene

Poor dumping sites

1.Teach back method through clarity and further definition of points

2. Parents will give different methods to prevent the spread of malaria

2. Cutting down long bushes

Clearing dumping sites around the home

Use of mosquito nets

2. Teach-Back method where the learners contribute to what they have learned.

3. Parents will name one agency that can help in preventing the spread of malaria.

3. Agencies that can help in preventing malaria, name and the contacts will be given to the parents and guardians.

3. Issue of the pamphlet and verbally read out the names and contacts of the agencies.

4. Parents and guardians ask questions for clarity.

4. Learners get a better feel for information when they feel welcomed to ask questions, clarification, obtain answers, or repetition of information.

4. The teacher will be welcoming with a positive attitude and teach in a relaxing environment and answer the questions promptly.


The teaching approach will include the Teach-Back theory and fight, flight, freeze, and orient functions. There will be debates through different groups, imagination, and precision throughout the teaching practice.

Planned Evaluation of Objectives

1. The parents will attend the evaluating sessions.

2. Verbally inform the other parents on what they have learned.

3. Ask the questions related to the subject.

4. Keep time, around 30-45 minutes.

Planned Evaluation of Goal:

Evaluation and assessment shall be performed continuously and throughout the teaching period. Critiques from the students are always welcomed.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):

The parents and guardians will be asked feedback on the way they were taught throughout the session.


Poor concentration during the session. The teaching approach will assume a story-telling session, and there will be group activities to keep audience focused.

Therapeutic Communication

4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.

How will you begin your presentation and capture the interest of your audience?

The presentation will start with an introduction of all the common diseases that are possible to prevent from an early stage before the manifestation of the disease. For instance, malaria, HIV and Aids, diabetes, anemia amongst other common diseases, and how they affect people. The introduction will include illustrations on how the diseases are affecting people, the percentage of those suffering, and the effects of the disorders on different target populations. The introduction of this presentation purposes to familiarize the audience with the idea of prevention and prevalent of the diseases in the region. By doing so, the audience will understand the need for primary prevention, which means they will pay attention to the teaching program. Besides, the audience is likely to invite their friends and families to take part in other applications. By illustrating such occurrences where people are suffering due to ignorance on how to avoid such incidents, it will be a way of seeking the audience’s attention and making them alert and ready for the teaching sessions. People want to know what they are engaging in to be entirely focused. The static and different diseases that can be primarily prevented will be done using images and illustrations, which are easy to stick to the minds of the members of the audience.

Describe the type of activity you will use with your audience to exhibit active listening?

Active learning is one of the best ways to ensure that the audience stays interested in the topic, and the learning process is lively. For this teaching plan, teamwork, practical, and direct engagement by the members of the community will be used to ensure effective learning teamwork will be used in a way that the members of the community will be grouped differently and given tasks to complete. For instance, the learning exams can be done in groups where the staff members can collaboratively answer quizzes that will be issued during the learning sessions. For example, after teaching an ascertain concept, the teacher will issue quizzes about the same that the audience will be required to answer as a group.