Applying The APA Code Of Ethics

Applying The APA Code Of Ethics



PSY 570 Final Project Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: The four milestone assignments in this course will prepare you to complete your final project, a case study analysis. In Milestone Three, you will apply the APA Code of Ethics to your chosen case study vignette and expand the outline of your final case study analysis paper you began in Milestone Two.

In order to understand how your ethical conflict in your case study is in conflict with ethics you will need to understand the dominant ethical code. Professionals in the field of psychology refer to the APA Code of Ethics in order to guide their decision making in their work environments. The American Psychological Association website provides the APA Code of Ethics, which is used in psychology.

For Milestone Three, return to your outline and work on elements 5, 6, and 7 (highlighted in the outline template below). For elements 5 and 6, you will list and define each principle and standard in an organized fashion. You will then emphasize (bold or summarize) which principle and standard could be at question in your case study vignette. For element 7, you will make a statement discussing the cultural and social considerations in your case. All cases have considerations of this kind, but they may be less obvious in some case studies. You may also choose to create a hypothetical cultural or social consideration (e.g., What if a language barrier were present in your case study vignette?) for your case if you do not think it has one. You will expand upon element 7 in Milestone Four.

1. Title Page 2. Case Study Analysis Abstract 3. Detailed Case Study Vignette Description 4. The Ethical Conflict 5. The APA Code of Ethics Principles

a. Identify and define all five principles b. Bold or summarize all that might apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict c. Justify why bolded or summarized principles apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict

6. The APA Code of Ethics Standards a. List and define all ten standards b. Bold or summarize all that might apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict c. Justify why bolded or summarized standards apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict

7. Statement of Culture and Social Orientations in the Case Study 8. Statement of Dual Relationships or Multiple Relationship Issues in the Study 9. The Ethical Decision-Making Model (Eight-Step Model) 10. An Alternative Decision-Making Model 11. Summary and Conclusion

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one- inch margins, with any sources referenced cited in APA format.




Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

APA Code of Ethics: Principles

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

justifies why identified principles might apply to case’s ethical conflict

Lists and defines all principles in an organized fashion and identifies which principles might apply to case’s ethical conflict

Lists and defines all principles in an organized fashion

Does not list and define all principles in an organized fashion


APA Code of Ethics: Standards

Meets “Proficient” criteria and justifies why identified standards might apply to case’s ethical conflict

Lists and defines all standards in an organized fashion and identifies which standards might apply to case’s ethical conflict