Adults with cognitive or physical disabilities

Adults with cognitive or physical disabilities


More and more nurses are getting involved in politics and represent the profession as nobody else can. Nursing representation, and being the voice of the profession as legislators, can have a positive impact on the laws that are made that govern the profession. Laws, at times, can have a negative effect on the way nursing care is delivered and the day-to-day responsibilities of the nurse. Having representation in politics can be beneficial as nobody else understands the challenges that face a nurse in healthcare today. There are both registered nurses and licensed practical nurses involved in politics. Nurses that are currently involved in politics encourage all nurses to vote and to testify in public hearings on issues that interest them or involve them (Larson, 2016).

Adults with cognitive or physical disabilities are protected under a law authored by Senator Pat Vance in Pennsylvania.  Hearing about abuse is common now in families and health care settings.  It is mandatory to report abuse even if it is susceptive.  The law created an Adult Protective Services system with clearly defined procedures for filing complaints of abuse, neglect and exploitation against adults ages 18 to 59 with disabilities.  This law also provided for investigation of complaints and the development of service plans to remove the adult from imminent harm and provide for long-term need.