a medical office assistant

a medical office assistant

 Based on the case given below, describe how having a procedure in place for this type of call could have resulted in a different outcome. What can you do as a medical office assistant to protect yourself from similar legal mitigation?

A nurse received a call from a family with an infant with a 104-degree fever. She recommended that the child be driven to a network hospital forty-five minutes from home. The parents drove part way and circled back to the nearest hospital emergency room. The infant suffered circulatory collapse and lost both hands and most of both legs. The family sued alleging that the nurse’s bad advice caused delay in treatment which in turn caused circulatory collapse and loss of limbs. On February 2, 1995, a Fulton County jury found Kaiser negligent and awarded the family in excess of $45,000,000 in damages.

 Based on the case given below, describe how having a procedure in place for this type of call could have resulted in a different outcome. What can you do as a medical office assistant to protect yourself from similar legal mitigation?

A nurse received a call from a family with an infant with a 104-degree fever. She recommended that the child be driven to a network hospital forty-five minutes from home. The parents drove part way and circled back to the nearest hospital emergency room. The infant suffered circulatory collapse and lost both hands and most of both legs. The family sued alleging that the nurse’s bad advice caused delay in treatment which in turn caused circulatory collapse and loss of limbs. On February 2, 1995, a Fulton County jury found Kaiser negligent and awarded the family in excess of $45,000,000 in damages.