14.2. Dissemination Plan

14.2. Dissemination Plan

The DNP Project can take many forms, as described in Moran, Burson, and Conrad (2020):

Examples of DNP Projects: Quality improvement; Translating evidence into practice; Clinical or practice-based inquiry; Healthcare delivery innovation; Program development and evaluation; Demonstration project; Healthcare policy; and Generating new evidence or knowledge (p. 157).

Since identifying the category that best represents your SPP (Quality Improvement), has this changed? Do you need to realign what is documented in Chapter I accordingly? Evaluate and discuss current and potential modalities for disseminating knowledge about the problem and/or the results of the SPP. What avenues will you utilize to disseminate your information? Please be specific. For example, is there a certain journal you plan to submit to, or a local, state, regional, national, international conference, or institutional and site-specific location you plan to or at which you might present? (My preferred is Institutional)